Monday, August 15, 2011

Salak Pondoh Cultivation

Salak Pondoh Cultivation

Salak Pondoh sequence Raising Activities

Sequence of farming activities Pondoh Salak is as follows:

    Salak garden land management s / d ready for planting so the plant at once by making holes;
    Planting shade trees;
    Preparation of salak seedlings;
    Planting seeds of replanting plants die;
    Eradication of pests as disease;
    Transplanting of seedlings;
    Harvest the fruit and result handling until ready to sell.


Blurred Landscape

In an effort salak seedlings need to be considered genetic traits. Naturally it can be seen a flowering plant that is always barking males. Plants of this type are not able to produce fruit.

To get salak seedlings that can be done to produce generative (seeds bark) and vegetative (seedling shoots). Breed barked by seeds seems far easier and cheaper, especially for large amounts. In addition, the plant will obtain a stronger condition. The weakness of the system is generative breeding, berbuahnya longer time, do not always have the properties of the same genetic and superior to the parent tree and can not be ascertained whether the seedlings will be female plants or plants became male.

Seeds can be obtained by separating the vegetative tillers, both directly and artificially separating tillers (graft). These seeds have several advantages, among others, the results obtained in nature plants must be the same as the parent tree, it can be ascertained in advance gender of plants referred to (male / female), fast flowering and fruiting, and the results are more uniform (the same relative to the parent tree). Salak plants that will serve as the parent vegetative propagation, should have the following criteria:

Parent trees have more than one year old;
The growth of lush and there are no signs of leaf yellowing;
Free of pests and diseases;
Fruitful and of good quality;
Shoots grafted seedlings that will be old enough and has a stem of 4-5 strands.
In the calculation of the feasibility of farming this barking is assumed for breeding the first time (year 0) is to buy seedlings ready for planting, including seeds males. As for seedling bark subsequent years performed with the transplants, so that in the calculation of the feasibility analysis will look for grafting labor costs (especially for barking Pondoh).

Planting and Maintenance

Before planting, the first step that must be done is tilling the soil menggemburkan goal is to become a good plant growth, as well as to clean the plant pests (weeds). The work process is preceded by hoeing the soil as deep as ± 30 cm, and performed 3-4 weeks before planting. To prepare the holes plants, there are two kinds of ways:

Excavation Direct

With the size of each hole is 60 cm long, 60 cm wide and it is also 60 cm. In the lands were given cangkulan manure as much as 5-7 kg / planting hole. While the spacing is typically 2 x 2 meters or 2.5 x 2.5 meters.

Excavation Indirect

For the first time the area planted was about to bark, should be made before bed. Bed size is the width of 200-250 cm, height ± 30 cm, and length adapted to field conditions. The distance between beds of about 60-80 cm. Along with making beds, manure incorporated into soil. Manure needs about 20-30 tons / ha. After the manure is left for 2 weeks. Henceforth, then made a planting hole measuring 30 cm long, 30 cm wide and it is also 30 cm. Spacing ranges from 2 x 2 meters or 2.5 x 2.5 meters.

Plant Protector

For the early stages because of salak plants not exposed to direct sunlight can, then it is usually made cover crops that can be done one year before the crop is planted barking. For this type of cover crops can be shaped like, lamtoro, dadap, turi or other cover crops.

Outdoor Air

Water klolam function is to supply irrigation water garden barking at the dry seasons. Pool size adjusted to the land area and generally whenever possible pond sites placed in the middle of the garden barking with the intention that in the dry seasons the pool is able to participate and create a microclimate and soil moisture and the optimal environment for plant growth, he barked. In order to pool water can be streamed around the garden, also required the manufacture of irrigation channels. To optimize the function of this water pools, often also used for raising fish.


Moreover, it also made drainage, because the plants are not resistant to salak puddles. Disposal of water over land is very important, because plants will not bear salak puddles in a long time. Things like this usually occurs during the rainy season. While at the dry drainage will function as a means to divide water from water sources (Indoor water), because of drought resistant plants are not barking for a long time. In this way, it is already prepared land moist enough, but not muddy.

Salak plants are generally planted at the beginning of the rainy season when the soil contains enough water that is 60-80%, usually occurs in November or December. In case of loose soil with moisture and thus, the roots of seedlings are able to live and grow well, because oxygen is still available so as to stimulate root growth, and the roots do not rot because the soil is not too saturated water.

Plant Maintenance

In times of planting and maintenance costs are incurred include the purchase of manure, TSP, and KCl Za pesticides such as insecticides and fungicides. As for labor costs will include costs for land preparation, planting, replanting, weeding, pembumbunan, fertilizing, control, pruning, transplanting, harvesting and post harvest.

Salak garden proper maintenance and regular garden will increase productivity and to deliver the desired results, either an increase in output or other outcomes. Salak plant maintenance business that will either include things like the following:

    Stitching, about 2-3 weeks after planting, the examination should be held in the garden barking. If found salak growth is not good or die, soon made replanting. In order to seed the growth of embroidery is not far behind with other plants, you should choose a good seed grafts with maintenance-intensive. Stitching is useful to know the real number of plants (productivity) AAGR later be known amount of product to be produced. Stitching should be done at the beginning of the rainy season.
    Weeding, this activity was carried out because of salak plants can not withstand soil containing stagnant water. The way out to solve this problem is to do pembumbunan, which is usually performed in conjunction with the weeding and can be repeated depending on the landscape.
    Pembumbunan, this activity was carried out because of salak plants can not withstand soil containing stagnant water. The way out for to solve this problem is to do pembumbunan, which is usually performed in conjunction with the weeding and can be repeated depending on the landscape.
    Fertilization is required because of the time of planting up to each time picking the fruit, salak plants have absorbed some elements of food, soil conditions become thin and consequently disrupted the growth of salak plants. Therefore, we should attempt to maintain, increase and enhance soil fertility, by fertilizing. This type of fertilizer can be known, there are 2 kinds of organic manure (natural fertilizer) and inorganic fertilizers (synthetic fertilizers).
    Control of pests and plant diseases, this is done primarily as a preventive measure against pests and plant diseases barking. Technical control can be done by throwing rotten fruit, prune shade trees, paved drainage channels, cleaning the dirt and spray fungicides.
    Trimming, which is done here is usually trim the tree shade to regulate sunlight (the radiation) is sufficient for crop needs, facilitate air circulation and maintenance of plants, reducing air humidity during the rainy season and maintaining a certain level of shade during the dry season. While cuts to salak plants started after one year of age. Pruning aims to regulate the growth of vegetative to generative growth toward more productive. So the purpose of pruning is to actually organize and spur more salak plants to produce fruit.
    Transplantation, this is done to reproduce plant seeds through shoots puppies barking. Because of the uniqueness of riding is primarily salak salak plants can be transplanted pondoh is. About the benefits of transplants has been noted in advance.

Harvest and Post Harvest

First harvest by using vegetative seedlings transplanted at the age dimuilai pondoh salak plants aged 2-3 years. Picking fruit usually done after 7-8 months from the occurrence of pollination. For fruit picking is not selected one by one but it was cut together tandannya.

Excess properties of salak plants can bloom throughout the year, with intensive maintenance records. However, usually within one year of harvest of only two times that the December / January and June / July.

Actions are usually performed post-harvest after the fruit is picked, cleaned up immediately and put in the basket. These fruits can usually can be retained for up to a maximum of 2 or 3 weeks provided that the fruit is not injured, free from pests or diseases and air circulation runs good storage place.

To date fruits are marketed as fresh fruit. Farmers manufacturers can sell directly to consumers, such as visible to salak pondoh being sold at the highway, where salak pondoh cultivated.

Tools used

The equipment needed for the establishment and maintenance of salak plants include hoes, rakes, sickles, sprayer, baskets and other equipment on.

Salak Fruit productivity Pondoh

To be able to know the productivity of salak plants, depending on how much spacing to be used. In reality on the ground the size of the spacing is varied, such as 2 x 2 m2, 2.5 x 2.5 m2, 2 x 2.5 m2 or also to do with the size of the spacing of 3 x 1 m2. If the spacing of 2 x 2 m2 then the number of stem bark of plants can be planted about 2,500 rods. For an area of 1,000 m2 can be planted as many as 400 trees. Thus, in 1 ha of arable land as much as 4,000 trees. Assuming that can be harvested as much as 80%, live 3200 tanman barked stems that can bear fruit. For the crop year to the 1st and 2nd salak plants has not been able to bear fruit. Most only produce seeds through a transplant.

Raising Obstacles Salak Pondoh

Salak plants including plants that do not even contain a high risk, but still required intensive maintenance and care, so that the resulting fruit quality is good. In some conditions, often so that the resulting fruit quality is good. In some conditions, often encountered salak farmer who planted good crops, but can not bear fruit. In addition salak plants do not require much water, but also should not be short of water. Tasa critical condition salak plants will take place from the first planting (year 0) until in the second period of the project. This is due to the condition of plants that are still susceptible to the condition of "stress" in both seasons the rainy and dry seasons.

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