Friday, August 19, 2011

Shellfish Blood

blood clam food is delicious and has been widely sold in

restaurants and street vendors. Weight of meat equal to

22.70 to 24.3% of total body weight.
Types of blood clams that have been known to live in the

waters of Indonesia is A. granosa (blood clam), A.

nodifera (blood clam), A. inflata (shellfish feather), A.

rhombea, and A. indica (mencos shellfish). Among the five

kinds of shells that many caught is mencos shells.

Another type is shellfish Wren (A. antiguata). Compared

with other types of oyster, mussel cultivation of blood

have been done by many countries including China, Taiwan,

Republic of Korea, Malaysia, and Thailand.

A. Systematics

Family: Arcidae
Anadara species granosa
Trade name: Cockle
Local Name: shellfish chin

B. Characteristics and Biological Aspects

1. Physical Characteristics
Shell has the same hemisphere attached to one another on

the shell boundary. Ribs on both parts of the shell is

very subtle. Sized shell is slightly longer than the

protrusion height (umbone) is very subtle. Each half

shell has a 19-23 Rusk.

2. Growth and development
Compared to mussels, clams growth rate is relatively

slower blood. The growth rate of 0.098 mm / day. To grow

4-5 mm long, blood clams take about 6 months. The biggest

meat percentage owned by A. granola, amounting to 24.3%.

Blood clams spawn throughout the year with a peak occurs

in August / September. These animals include two homeless

animals (diocis). Gonadal maturation occurs when the

blood reaches the size of the shells 18-2o mm long and

less than one year old. The spawning is taking place on

the size of 20 mm.

C. Site Selection Cultivation

These clams live in the notches in the bottom waters in

coastal areas of muddy sand. It requires the type of

oyster salinity between. 13-28 g / kg, 0.5 to 2.5 m

brightness, and pH 7.5 to 8.4. Each type requires a

different environment Anadara. A. antiguata, for example,

living in muddy waters with high turbidity levels.

Meanwhile, the clams require fur-based sand and crystal

clear waters.

enlargement conducted in tidal areas separate from the

seed collection. Location enlargement is encircled by a

bamboo fence.

D. Container Cultivation
The tools used for seed collection is sized 60-10 m long

boat, a plank-sized surf
18o cm x 50 cm, and seed collecting baskets made of woven

wire diameter between 1-2 mm, measuring 4o cm x 15 cm x

10 cm.

E. Culture management

1. Provision of seeds
In Indonesia, the cultivation of shellfish New blood in

the experimental stage. Mechanical cultivation begins

with the collection of mussel seed-sized blood 40-10 min

in the natural seed dispersal on the edge of a sloping


Salvage operations began at low tide and water depth of

about 6o cm. seed collection carried out by the dredge

the bottom waters as deep as approximately 3 cm by using

a basket of seed collectors mentioned above. Dredging is

done by using a surfboard.

The board also function as a repository of successful

seed dikurnpulkan and simultaneously facilitate the

movement of the collector. Collection process is

completed when no water in the bottom waters dry.

2. Seeding
The collected seeds were selected according to size.

Furthermore, the seed stocked in the enlargement. Solid

start stocking about 2,000 ekor/m2, then thinned to a

spacing until the density ekor/m2 200-300.

F. Pest and Disease Control
Blood cultured mussels are often eaten by slugs

gastropods, especially in the seed phase. Mass mortality

is more often associated with changes in environmental

conditions, particularly salinity. Death is common in

shellfish during a prolonged rainfall that caused decline

in salinity. Shellfish will die in the water salinity

below 15 g / kg.

G. Harvest
Harvest begins after the maintenance period lasts for 6-9

months. Harvesting carried out by using a scraper that is

larger and stronger than seed scraper tool.

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