Thursday, August 18, 2011

Apple CUltivation

Apples is an annual fruit crop from West Asia to sub-tropical climate. 
Apples have been planted in Indonesia since 1934 until today.
According to the systematics, including the apple crop:
1) Divisio: Spermatophyta
2) Subdivisio: Angiospermae
3) Class: Dicotyledonae
4) Order: Rosales
5) Family: Rosaceae
6) Genus: Malus
7) Species: Malus sylvestris Mill
Of the species Malus sylvestris Mill, there are various varieties that have characteristics or its own peculiarities. 
Some varieties of apple seed, among others: Rome Beauty, Manalagi, Anna, Princess Noble and Wangli / Lali Jiwo.
Apples contain lots of vitamin C and B. 
Besides apples often a choice of dieters as a meal substitute.

In Indonesia, apples can grow and bear fruit both in the upland areas. 
Sentra apple production in the Malang (Batu and Poncokusumo) and Pasuruan (Nongkojajar), East Java. In this region the apple has been cultivated since 1950, and grew rapidly in 1960 to the present. In addition other areas
dinanami many apples are East Java (Kayumas-Situbondo, Banyuwangi), Central Java (Tawangmangu), Bali (Buleleng and Tabanan), West Nusa Tenggara, East Nusa Tenggara and South Sulawesi. 
While planting the world's centers in Europe, America and Australia.

1) The ideal rainfall is 1000-2600 mm / year with rainy days 110-150 days / year. 
Within a year the number of wet months is 6-7 months and 3-4 months dry season. High rainfall during flowering will cause the flowers fall, so can not be a fruit.
2) Plants need sunlight apples fairly between 50-60% every day, especially during flowering.
3) the corresponding temperature ranges between 16-27 degrees C.
4) the desired humidity around 75-85% of apple crop.
Media Plant
1) apple Plants grow well in soil that bersolum in, have a high organic layers, and soil crumb structure and friable, have aeration, water absorption, and good porosity, so that exchange of oxygen, nutrient movement and the ability of storage water is optimal.
2) Land which is suitable Latosol, andosol and Regosol.
3) The degree of soil acidity (pH) is suitable for growing apples is 6-7 and the water content of soil is needed is water available.
4) In the growing apple plants require adequate soil moisture content.
5) slope that is too sharp will complicate treatment plants, so if still possible made terracing the land is still worth planting.
Altitude Place
Apple plants can grow and bear fruit both at an altitude of 700-1200 m above sea level. 
with optimal altitude 1000-1200 m above sea level.
Propagation of apple plants in vegetative and generative done. 
Propagation is commonly done is good and vegetative propagation, for generative propagation time consuming and often produce seeds that deviates from its parent. Generative propagation techniques carried out by seed, whereas vegetative propagation is done by grafting or attachment (budding), the connection
(Grafting) and cuttings.
1) Requirements for Seed
Terms of rootstock: an apple a wild, wide and strong roots, forms a sturdy tree, has a high adaptability. 
While the terms buds are derived from plant stems of healthy apples and have superior properties.
2) Preparation of Seed
Preparation of seed is done by multiplication of rootstock performed the steps as beriku t:
a) Tillers / siwilan
Characteristics captured pups is 30 cm high, 0.5 cm diameter and bark brown.
Saplings taken from the productive base of the rootstock plants by digging the soil around the tree and its roots are deprived chicks berlahan slowly and carefully.
After the puppy is revoked, puppies dirompes and branches cut, then planted in beds 60 cm wide trench with a depth of 40 cm.
b) Rundukan (layering)
Seeds rundukan results can be obtained two ways:
- Puppies wild apple tree stem: a rather long resting tillers of land attached, then clipped the branch wood and the soil; hoarding conducted every two eyes; when it is sufficiently strong, can shoot
separated by cutting the branches.
- Perundukan patch rootstock: done at the time the patch is opened (2 weeks), namely by cutting 2 / 3 the cross section of rootstock, about 2 cm above the patch; the top of the keratan buried in the ground and then bent again upward.In the given bending clamp wood or bamboo.
After about 4 months old rundukan, will be segregation of seedlings by cutting the stem below the keratan oblique or bending. Defolatan scar smeared.
c) Cuttings
Wild apple-sized cuttings 15-20 cm long (diameter uniform and straight), before planting the bottom of the cuttings dipped into a solution of Roton F to stimulate root growth. 
Planting distance 30 x 25 cm, each raised bed planted with two rows. Cuttings ready diokulasi at age 5 months, stem diameter ± 1
cm and rooting quite strong enough.
3) Techniques Seedling
a) Annealing
Choose a rootstock that is eligible is already 5 months old, ± 1 cm diameter trunk and the bark easily exfoliated from the timber.
Take the eye patch of healthy branches or stems from an apple tree varieties which have proved its superiority. The trick is to cut the wood along with the eye patch from 2.5 to 5 cm (eyes in the middle). Then a layer of wood disposed of carefully so that her eyes are not damaged
Create an open tongue bark on the trunk as high as ± 20 cm below the base of the stem with adjustable sizes with an eye patch. The tongue prying them from the wood and cut in half.
Enter the eye patch into the rootstock so that the tongue stick well. Tie ribbon patch with a white plastic on all parts of the patch.
After 2-3 weeks, the bond can be opened and spray patch / compress with ZPT. Patch eye patch so have some signs of fresh green and attached.
In grafting a finished, slice the stem about 2 cm above the grafting with milintang position bent slightly upwards as deep as 2 / 3 of the section.
The aim is to concentrate growth in spurring the growth of buds.
b) Grafting
Upper stem (entres) in the form of branches (shoots of lateral branches).
Rootstock is cut at an altitude of ± 20 cm from the neck root.
Cut-tongued, and divisive attempts to discuss the middle rootstock 2-5 cm long.
Branch entres dippotong along ± 15 cm (± 3 eyes), leaves discarded, then the base of the stem above the wedge-shaped slice. Incision length equal to half the length of rootstock.
Upper stem is inserted into the parts of the rootstock, so that the cambium both can be met.
Tie a connection with a plastic strap as close as possible.
Kerudungi any connection with a plastic bag. After 2-3 weeks old, the plastic hood can be opened to see the success of the connection.
4) Maintenance of nurseries
Maintenance includes rootstock
a) Fertilization: done 1-2 months with urea and TSP each 5 grams per plant ditugalkan (spread around) around the plant.
b) Weeding: weeding time depends on the growth of weeds.
c) Irrigation: once a week (if no rain)
d) Eradication of pests and diseases: pesticides sprayed two times per month by observing symptoms of an attack. 
Fungicides used were Antracol or Dithane, while the insecticide is Supracide or Decis.
Along with this can also be given leaf fertilizer, plus adhesive Agristic.
5) The transfer of Seeds
Seedling grafting grafting (attachment and connection) can be transferred to the field at the age of at least 6 months after grafting, cut up to 80-100 cm tall and leaves dirompes.
Media Processing Plant
1) Preparation
Preparation that is needed is the cultivation of land preparation and implementation of the survey. 
The goal is to determine the type of plant, soil slope, soil conditions, determine the need for labor, materials and costs necessary paralatan.
2) Land Opening
Land cultivated by hoeing the soil as well as clean up the remains of plants that are still lagging behind.
3) Establishment of nursery
In the apple crop plot is almost not necessary, but only the elevation of the planting pestle.
4) Liming
Liming aims to maintain the pH balance of the soil. 
Calcification occurs only when the soil pH is less than 6.
5) Fertilization
Fertilizer given to land management is as much as 20 kg of manure per planting hole with soil mixed evenly, then left for 2 weeks.
Planting techniques
1) Determination of Planting Pattern
Apple crops can be planted in monoculture or intercroping. 
Intercroping only be done if the land has not been closed editorials leaves or before 2 years. But at this point, after going through some research intercroping on apple crop plants that can be done with berhabitat
low, such as peppers, onions and others. 
Apple plants can not be planted at a distance that is too tightly because it will become very thick which will cause high humidity, circulation
less air, sunlight and increase the stunted growth of the disease. 
The ideal spacing for crops depends apple varieties. For varieties Manalagi and moble Prices are 3-3.5 x 3.5 m, while for Rome Beauty varieties may be shorter and Anna is 2-3 x 2.5-3 m.
Preparation of Planting Holes
The size of the planting hole between 50 x 50 x 50 cm to 1 x 1 x 1 m. 
Above ground and below ground are separated, each mixed manure sekurangkurangnya 20 kg. After that the land is left for ± 2 weeks, and by planting appropriate native restored quarry.
Planting Method
Planting apples do well in the rainy season or drought (in the fields). 
To land tegals recommended in the rainy season.
How to planting apple seeds are as follows:
Put the seeds into the soil below the planting hole.
Put the seeds in the middle hole while diatar roots to spread.
Put the top soil in the hole to the extent of the root plus soil excavation pit.
When all the land has been entered, the ground-press pressed gently with your hands firmly planted the seeds and straight. To withstand the wind, seeds can be detained at stake with loose ties.
Plant Maintenance
1) Spacing and stitching
Spacing of plants is not done, while the stitching done on the plants die or be turned off because they do not produce by planting new crops to replace the old plant. 
Stitching should be done in the rainy season.
2) Weeding
Weeding is done only when there are many around the parent plants are considered weeds can interfere with the plant. 
At the apple orchard planted with a spacing of the meeting (± 3 × 3 m), peniangan almost not necessary because the canopy of leaves covering the ground so that grass can not grow.
3) pembubunan
Weeding is usually followed by pembubunan ground. 
Pembubunan intended to raise the soil around the plant back to avoid stagnant water and also to menggemburkan ground. Pembubunan usually done after harvest or in conjunction with fertilization.
4) Perempalan / Trimming
Parts that need to be trimmed is the newly planted seedlings 80 cm tall, shoots that grow below 60 cm, shoots from the top end of several sections, 4-6 and former fruit stalk eyes, Knop is not fertile, and is not diseased branches produkrif 
, the difficult bending branches, twigs or leaves that cover the fruit.Pruning done since the age of 3 months to obtain the desired shape (4-5 years).
5) Fertilization
a) In the rainy season / paddy soil
Simultaneously rompes leaf (
Pests and diseases
1) green lice (Aphis Pomi Geer)
Characteristics: yellowish green adult fleas, short antennae, body length 1.8 mm, there is a winged some are not; wing length 1.7 mm, black; very fast breeding, the eggs can hatch in 3-4 days. 
Symptoms: (1) nymph and adult lice attack by sucking the liquid selsel
leaves in groups on the surface of young leaves, especially the tip of young shoots, the stem branches, flowers, and fruit, (2) fleas produce honey dew which will coat the leaf surface and stimulate the growth of black fungus (sooty); leaves change shape, shrink, leriting, 
late flowering, young fruit fall, if not quality buahpun ugly. Control: (1) sanitation and spacing of planting a garden (not too tightly), (2) by natural enemies coccinellidae lycosa; (3) by spraying Supracide 40 EC (ba Metidation) dose of 2 cc / liter of water or a 1 to 1.6 liter; (4) Supracide 40 EC in 500-800 liters / ha of water by spraying 2-week intervals, (5) Convidor 200 SL (Imidacloprid ba) doses of 0.125 to 0.250 cc / liter of water, (6) Convidor 200 SL in 600 liters / h of water spraying at intervals of 10 days (7) Convidor can be lethal to the eggs; way of spraying from the top down.Spraying is done 1-2 weeks before flowering and continued from 1 to 1.5 months after
anthesis to 15 days before harvest.
2) mites, Spinder myth, red whips (Panonychus Ulmi)
Characteristics: dark red, and length of 0.6 mm. 
Symptoms: (1) mites attack the leaves by sucking the fluid leaves the cells, (2) in severe attacks cause patches of yellow, opaque, brown, and dry, (3) on the fruit causing silvery spots or brown. Control: (1) with a natural easy resume coccinellidae and lycosa, (2) spraying akarisida Omite 570 EC as much as 2 cc / liter or 1 liter of water akarisida Omite 570 EC in 500 liters of water per acre at intervals of 2 weeks.
3) Trips
Characteristics: small size with a length of 1mm; white nymphs kekuningkuningan; adult blackish brown; fast-moving and when touched would soon fly away. 
Symptoms: (1) attack the leaves, buds / shoots, and fruits are still very young, (2) on visible leaf berbintikbintik
white, both sides of the leaves curl upward and abnormal growth, (3) leaves at the end of the shoots to dry up and fall (4) leaves a scar on the brown-gray.Control: (1) mechanically by removing the eggs on the leaves and keep the plant canopy environment tidk
too tight, (2) spraying with insecticides such as Lannate 25 WP (ba Methomyl) with a dose of 2 cc / liter of water or Lebaycid 550 EC (ba Fention) with a dose of 2 cc / liter of water at the plant sat're sprouting, flowering and fruit formation 
4) leaf caterpillar (Spodoptera litura)
Characteristics: green larvae with lines extending from the gray kepala.pada lateral abdomen until larvae are black spots circular or semicircular, laying eggs in clusters and covered with fine brown hair. 
Symptoms: attack the leaves, resulting in irregular holes through the bones of the leaf. Control: (1) mechanically by removing the eggs on the leaves, (2) spraying with a spray like Tamaron LC 200 (ba Metamidofos) and Nuvacron 20 SCW (ba Monocrotofos).
5) leaf-sucking insects (Helopelthis Sp)
Characteristics: Helopelthis Theivora with black and red abdomen, the abdomen was HelopelthisAntonii with red and white. 
Serabgga small. The newly hatched nymphs Penjang 1mm and length 6-8mm adult insects. In part there is a bump that resembles thoraknya needle. Symptoms: The attack in the morning, afternoon or during cloudy conditions; attack young leaves, buds and fruit pieces in a way menhisap cell fluid; the affected leaves become brown and its development is not symmetrical; shoots that develop into brown, dry and eventually die; attack on fruit
cause fruit menjadibercak-brown spots, necrosis, and when the fruit enlarges, the patches are broken that menyebebkan fruit quality decreases. 
Control: (1) mechanically by a plastic roof pengerondongan / pembelongsongan fruit. (2) Spraying with insecticides such as
Lannate 25 WP (ba Metomyl), Baycarb 500 EC (ba BPMC), which occurred on Tuesday afternoon.
6) black leaf caterpillar (Dasychira Inclusa Walker)
Characteristics: Larvae have two black-crested near the head that leads towards the side of the head. 
In the body there are four crested keumpulan seta which is blackish brown. Along both sides of the body is ab-ash-colored hair.Larvae 50 mm long. Symptoms: attack the young and old leaves; plants infected with live bone daundaunnya damage 30%; during the day the larvae hide behind a leaf. Control: (1) mechanically by removing the eggs are usually laid on the leaves, (2) spraying insecticides such as: Nuvacron 20 SCW (ba Monocrotofos) and Matador 25 EC.
7) Fruit flies (Rhagoletis Pomonella)
Characteristics: not-legged larva, after hatching from eggs (10 days) can be readily eat the flesh of the fruit. 
Color black flies, yellow legs and lay eggs on fruit. Symptoms: fruit shape to be ugly, it looks bumpy. Control: (1) spraying a contact insecticide such as Lebacyd 550 EC, (2) makes the device male flies by using methyl eugenol as much as 0.1 cc ditetesan cotton pad that has been spilled insecticide 2 cc. Tersebutkapas cotton is inserted into plastic bottles (mineral water marks) which hung a height of 2 meters. Because fragrance smells like excluded females, then males are interested in and menhisap cotton.
1) The disease powdery mildew (powdery mildew)
Cause: Padosphaera leucotich Salm. 
With stadia imperfeknya is Oidium sp.Symptoms: (1) above appears white on the leaves, buds are not normal, stunted and unfruitful, (2) on the fruit is brown, warty brown. Control: (1) cut the buds or the sick and burned, (2) with fungicides menyemprotka cc/10 Nimrod 250 EC from 2.5 to 5 liters of water (500liter/Ha) or Afugan 300 EC from 0.5 to 1 cc / liter Water (prevention) and 1 to 1.5 cc / liter of water after perompesan until 4-5 weeks old shoots at intervals of 5-7 days.
2) leaf spot disease (Marssonina coronaria JJ Davis)
Symptoms: leaf age at 4-6 weeks after perompesan visible white patches of irregular, brown, black dots arise upper surface, starting from the old leaves, young leaves down to its fall. 
Control: (1) spacing is not too tightly, the part that got thrown away and burned, (2) sprayed
fungicides Agrisan 60 WP 2 g / liter of water, the dose from 1000 to 2000 grams / ha from 10 days after rompes with intervals of 1 week or as many as 10 applications Delseme MX 200 2 grams / liter of water, Henlate 0.5 grams / liter of water since age 4 
days after rompes intervals 7 days to 4 weeks.
3) Mushrooms poison (Cortisium salmonicolor Berk et Br)
Control: reducing moisture garden, remove diseased plant parts.
4) Cancer (Botryosphaeria sp.)
Symptoms: attacking the stem / branch (rotten, dark brown, sometimes discharge), and fruit (small beige rickshaw, rotten, mengelembung, watery and pale color of the fruit. Control: (1) does not harvest the fruit is too ripe; (2 
) reduces the moisture farm, (3) discard the affected part, (4) pengerokkan diseased stems and then spread with fungicide F 100 cc/10 Difolatan 4 liters of water or Copper Sandoz, (5) sprayed with Benomyl 0.5 grams / liter of water, Antracol 70 WP 2 g / liter of water.
5) fruit rot (Gloeosporium sp.)
Symptoms: Small brown spots and black spots turned into orange. 
Control: no picking fruit is too ripe and dyeing with Benomyl 0.5 grams / liter of water to prevent disease in storage.
6) Rotten roots (Armilliaria Melea)
Symptoms: boil the apple crop in cold wet areas, marked with the withered leaves, autumn, and the skin of root rot. 
Control: with eradifikasi, ie disassemble / unplug the affected plants and their roots, the former hole is not planted at least 1 year.
Characteristics and Harvest
In general, apples can be harvested 4-5 months after anthesis, depending on varieties and climate. 
Rome Beauty can be picked at the age of about 120-141 days from flower blooms, Manalagi can be harvested 114 days after anthesis and Anna about 100 days. However, in the rainy season and higher ground, the fruit a longer life. Harvesting is best done when the plant reaches physiological levels of mature (ripening), namely the degree to which fruit has the ability to be normal when harvested ripe. Physiologically ripe fruit characteristics are: size of the fruit looks up, the smell began to be felt, colors look bright and fresh fruit when pressed felt sharp.
How to Harvest
Apple picking is done by picking the fruit by hand simultaneously to any garden.
Harvest Period
Apple harvest period is six months based on maintenance cycle that has been done.
Production Forecast
Production of apples depends on the variety, the general production of apples was 6-15 kg / tree.
Once picked, apples were collected in the shade and not exposed to direct sunlight so that respiration rate is reduced so that the apples get high quality and quantity. 
The collection is done by careful and do not be stacked and tossed, then taken by cart to a warehouse to be selected.
Sorting and Classification
Sorting done to separate the good fruit and disease-free with a bad or diseased fruit, the disease will catch the whole fruit harvested that can degrade product quality. 
Classification carried out to classify products by type varieties, size and fruit quality.
Basically, apples can be stored longer than other fruits, such as Rome Beauty 21-28 days (113-120 days old quotation) or 7-14 days (age stringed 127-141 days). 
For longer storage (4-7 months), should be stored at a temperature of 6-0 degrees C to minus 2.2 degrees C. precooling
Packaging and Transportation
Packaging used is cardboard with a size 48 x 33 x 37 cm with a weight of 35 kg of apples. 
And above the basic arrangement of apples need to be given pieces of paper and arranged oblique (parallel to stem length of the box). Basic diisai boxes 3-3 or 2-2 or 3-2 each other apart to close the space between the pieces.
Business 10.1.Analisis Cultivation
Approximate analysis of a scale of 1 hectare of apple cultivation during the growing season of 6 years in the area of
​​East Java in 1999.
a) Production costs
10-year land lease @ Rp. 1.000.000, - Rp. 10.000.000, -
Seeds 400 plants @ Rp. 3.500, - Rp. 1.4 million, -
- Year 1, 67 m3 @ Rp. 
15.000, - Rp. 1,005,000, -
- Year-2, 83 m3 Rp. 
1,245,000, -
- Year-3, 100 m3 Rp. 
1.500.000, -
- Year-4, 125 m3 Rp. 
1,875,000, -
- Year-5, 150 m3 Rp. 
2.25 million, -
- Year-6, 175 m3 Rp. 
2,625,000, -
Urea Fertilizer
- Year 1, 80 kg @ Rp. 
1410, - USD. 112 800, -
- Year-2, 100 kg Rp. 
141 000, -
- Year-3, 145 kg Rp. 
204 450, -
- Year-4, 152 kg Rp. 
214 320, -
- Year-5, 222 kg Rp. 
313 020, -
- Year-6, 333 kg Rp. 
469 530, -
SP 36
- Year 1, 65 kg @ Rp. 
2055, - USD. 133 575, -
- Year-2, 85 kg Rp. 
174 675, -
- Year-3, 100 kg Rp. 
205 500, -
- Year-4, 100 kg Rp. 
205 500, -
- Year-5, 111 kg Rp. 
228 105, -
- Year-6, 166 kg Rp. 
341 130, -
Fertilizer KCl
- Year 1, 26 kg @ Rp. 
2550, - USD. 66 300, -
- Year-2, 50 kg Rp. 
127 500, -
- Year-3, 73 kg Rp. 
186 150, -
- Year-4, 152 kg Rp. 
387 600, -
- Year-5, 333 kg Rp. 
849 150, -
- Year-6, 500 kg Rp. 
1,275,000, -
Leaf manure
- Year-1, 3 liters @ Rp. 
54 000, - Rp. 162 000, -
- Year-2, 6-liter Rp. 
324.000, -
- Year 3, 8 liters of Rp. 
432 000, -
- Year 4, 10 liters of Rp. 
540 000, -
- Year-5, 10 liters of Rp. 
540 000, -
- Year-6, 10 liters of Rp. 
540 000, -
Drugs and Pesticides (Antracol, Karathane, Nimrod, Dimecron, etc.)
- Year-1 Rp. 
3.000.000, -
- Year-2 Rp. 
4.4 million, -
- Year-3 Rp. 
4.84 million, -
- Year-4 Rp. 
5,668,000, -
- Year-5 Rp. 
8.4 million, -
- Year-6 Rp. 
11,104,000, -
- Hoe 20 pieces @ USD. 
15.000, - Rp. 300.000, -
- Sprayer 3 pieces @ Rp. 
300.000, - Rp. 900.000, -
- Scissors Cut 5 pieces @ Rp. 
50.000, - Rp. 250.000, -
- Workers keep a person Rp. 
960 000, - Rp. 5.76 million, -
- Processing of land in the first 15 HOK @ Rp. 
5.000, - Rp. 75.000, -
- Processing of land in the 2-6, 40 HOK @ Rp. 
200.000, - Rp. 1.000.000, -
- Make the planting hole 70 HOK @ Rp. 
5.000, - Rp. 350.000, -
- Planting 30 HOK @ Rp. 
5.000, - Rp. 150.000, -
- Weeding 20 mandays / yr @ USD. 
100.000, - Rp. 600.000, -
- Fertilization
- Year 1 and 2, 30 HOK @ Rp. 
150.000, - Rp. 300.000, -
- Year 3 40 HOK @ Rp. 
5.000, - Rp. 200.000, -
- Year-4, 50 HOK @ Rp. 
5.000, - Rp. 250.000, -
- Year 5, 65 HOK @ Rp. 
5.000, - Rp. 325.000, -
- Year-6, 75 HOK @ Rp. 
5.000, - Rp. 375.000, -
- Control of HPT
- Year 1, 24 HOK @ Rp. 
5.000, - Rp. 120.000, -
- Year-2, 36 HOK @ Rp. 
5.000, - Rp. 180.000, -
- Year-3, 48 HOK @ Rp. 
5.000, - Rp. 240.000, -
- Spraying of Pests
- Years of Age-1, 50 HOK @ Rp. 
5.000, - Rp. 250.000, -
- Year-2, 65 HOK @ Rp. 
5.000, - Rp. 325.000, -
- Year-3, 60 HOK @ Rp. 
5.000, - Rp. 300.000, -
- Spraying of disease
- Year 1, 20 HOK @ Rp. 
5.000, - Rp. 100.000, -
- Year 2, 30 HOK @ Rp. 
5.000, - Rp. 150.000, -
- Year 3, 30 HOK @ Rp. 
5.000, - Rp. 150.000, -
- Penyabutan rod
- Year 2, 16 HOK @ Rp. 
5.000, - Rp. 80.000, -
- Year-3, 20 HOK @ Rp. 
5.000, - Rp. 100.000, -
- Year-4, 30 HOK @ Rp. 
5.000, - Rp. 150.000, -
- Year-5, 50 HOK @ Rp. 
5.000, - Rp. 250.000, -
- Year-6, 50 HOK @ Rp. 
5.000, - Rp. 250.000, -
- Watering
- Year 1, 2, 3: 30 mandays / year @ USD. 
150.000, - Rp. 450.000, -
- Year 4, 5, 6: 40 HOK @ Rp. 
200.000, - Rp. 600.000, -
- Trimming
- Year-2, 22 HOK @ Rp. 
5.000, - Rp. 110.000, -
- Year 3, 30 HOK @ Rp. 
5.000, - Rp. 150.000, -
- Year-4, 50 HOK @ Rp. 
5.000, - Rp. 250.000, -
- Year-5, 60 HOK @ Rp. 
5.000, - Rp. 300.000, -
- Year-6, 60 HOK @ Rp. 
5.000, - Rp. 300.000, -
Total production costs for 6-year USD. 
83,125,305, -
2) Income (start of production year 3)
Year 3: 2900 kg @ Rp. 5.000, - Rp. 14,500,000, -
Year 4: 3825 kg @ Rp. 5.000, - Rp. 19,125,000, -
Year 5: 4990 kg @ Rp. 5.000, - Rp. 24,950,000, -
Year-to-6: 6760 kg @ Rp. 5.000, - Rp. 33,800,000, -
Total income of Rp. 
92,375,000, -
3) Benefits in 6 years of Rp. 
9,249,695, -
4) Parameter feasibility
B / C ratio = 1.1
According to the analysis Pudji Santoso et al (1988) in Bambang Sularso shows that the BEP apple farming in rice field soil Rp. 
33.916 million for land and tegals Rp. 45,034,000 can be achieved at a minimum area of ​​0.164 ha (rice) and 0.39 ha (tegals). This means that if farmers grow apples more than the minimum scale, the farmers have benefited.
10.2.Gambaran Agribusiness Opportunity
In terms of agribusiness, the apple crop is classified as commercial. 
This is supported by several reasons, namely:
1) Climate: Apples are plants that selectively. 
This means that the apple is a plant that can only grow and thrive in certain regions the climate is supportive. In the world of the apple crop is produced by many countries of the four seasons, while tropical regions only a few successful example of Malang.
2) Market apples Indonesia; during Indonesia's market apples are met through imports from European countries and Australia. 
Since bekembangnya apple market in Indonesia is gradually taken over by domestic production. It can be seen BPS data which showed an increase in national production of 7,303,372 tons of apples (1984) to 9,046,276 tons (1988), an increase of 17.5%. The ultimate objective is the fulfillment of national consumption and export.
3) Another factor, ie the apple as a commodity agro-tourism development and the development of processed foods such as porridge apple apples and apple jelly.
11.1.Ruang Scope
Standard production includes: quality requirements, how to test the quality, how to sample and how the packaging.
11.3.Klasifikasi and Quality Standards
Quality standards during this applies:
a) Grade A = 15.9% (31-4 fruits / kg)
b) Grade B = 45.2% (5-7 pieces / kg)
c) Grade C = 29.6% (8-10 pieces / kg)
d) Grade D = 7.0% (11-15 fruits / kg)
11.4.Pengambilan Example
Sample taken at random from the pack as shown below. 
From each sample packs of 20 pieces taken from the top, middle and bottom. Examples of these were randomized stratified (startified random sampling) to obtain the minimum 20 pieces for analysis.
Number of packs in the party (lots) to 100, the samples taken 5.
Number in party packs (lot) 101 to 300, the samples taken 7.
Number of packs in the party (lots) 301-500, the samples taken 9.
Number of packs in the party (lots) 501-1000, samples taken 10.
Number of packs in the party (lots) more than 1000, samples taken 15 (minimum).
Officers must qualify sample taker is someone who is experienced or trained in advance and have ties to the corporation.
Apples are packed with crates / other suitable material with a maximum net weight of 30 kg. 
At the outside packaging is labeled that read, among others: the name of goods, class size, the type of quality, name / company code, net weight, country / place of destination, the results of Indonesia, the area of ​​origin.

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