Wednesday, August 17, 2011

SRI paddy cropping pattern

SRI paddy cropping pattern model is a way of rice farming back to nature. That means farmers no longer use the chemical fertilizer, but use straw, waste geraji, husks, banana trees, manure-treated soil for fertilizer. Then, sowing seeds that are no longer 20 days, but a seven-day nursery places as simple as utilizing a small baskets.

If you previously needed 30 kg seed / ha, now SRI pattern quite 7 kg / ha. After that, planted in fields with a single seed (one seed) of seed at the age of seven days with a distance of 30 cm x 30 cm. Not much is given water, and weeding done four times, giving up six times the natural fertilizer, integrated pest management, and harvest at age 100 days or sooner 15 days with a regular pattern. According to the Head of Department of Agriculture Ciamis, Ir. Lukman, currently has 73 ha of land use patterns of SRI. On average each harvest reached 10 tonnes / ha with a regular pattern of the average yield only 4.5 tons / ha. It's a fairly significant increase in spike patterns of SRI rice production with up to 100%. This means that there are great opportunities in increasing agricultural production of rice and also environmentally friendly.


Organic fertilizer as much as 4-8 tons / ha (depending on the organic content of the fields, when the organic content of soil has reached 2% then the fertilization of 1 ton / ha is sufficient to maintain the balance of fertility). Organic fertilizer is sprinkled evenly onto the surface of the ground. After that plowed fields in accordance with the depth of the grass roots about 30 cm.
Once hijacked hereinafter soaked rice with water for a week for conditioning organic fertilizers become more mature and spread in the soil.
After a week soaking rice evenly raked so that the contours of the land preparation for planting. At the same time the rice seedlings begin to spread after brooded for 4 days to root out.
Having raked fields flooded again while waiting for 7-9 days old seedlings ready for planting, two days before the planting of water removed from the field until the soil conditions remain moist but not waterlogged.
LINE UP rice fields with a horizontal line equidistant vertical upright 25 cm x 25 cm.
Rice seedlings were planted one each hole.
After done seed rice is planted right at the intersection between the vertical and horizontal lines. Rice planted one by one or two as a backup for two cross line.
Once the rice is planted soil moist but not waterlogged conditioned to transfer oxygen into the soil to keep going and be safe from interference gold snail. At first the rice seems rare and small.
At age 15-20 days to clear must be done first weeding by mechanical wear grass hedgehog followed manpower revoke seed hole adjacent to the rice stalks. If after weeding rice growth looks uneven then the addition of compound fertilizer for vegetative growth of rice and trunked optimal branche much stronger.
30-35 days old rice weeding done both, if the rice growing fresh, sturdy stems green and then after weeding, fertilizing is not necessary an additional
Age 30 Days Rice paddy ready for harvest
After age 40 days had seemed to grow lush paddy and rice at the age of 50 days beginning to bloom. Rice Planting Pattern with many children SRI dense grain to ensure that seeds are full of leaves it needs fertilizer. In order for SRI products still in the Corridor Organic Rice then suggested using Biopesticide or NanoGren for standard products, evenly and not contaminated with pesticides. Age 95 days of rice ready for harvest.

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